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Therapy Services

Individual and Couples sessions open to Delaware and Pennsylvania residents only

Group Sessions open Nationwide

Schedule Your Free Consultation


Individual Sessions

How do you feel? You know, It is okay to not be okay sometimes. Life can throw challenges our way. Understand that it is okay to talk to someone about it. Whether your feeling stressed, depressed or anxious, you can get through this. Are you plagued by recent and past trauma? Perhaps therapy can help you sort out those feelings, address them and come to terms with the past, so that your present and future will give you a fresh start. Le't’s talk about it. Virtual Sessions Only.

60.00 /30 minute session

105.00/ 45 minute session

115.00/ 60 minute session

Insurance Accepted: Delaware Highmark Blue Cross Blue Shield, Aetna, United Health Care, Various EAP programs

Couples Sessions

Are you and your spouse/partner struggling with money decisions. Do you find that money causes disagreements and arguments often between the two of you? Let’s talk it out. Often times money management skills develop in our childhood and present as an issue in adulthood and relationships. Seventy-seven percent of couples don’t feel comfortable talking about money, so you are not alone. Couples Financial Wellness sessions allow couples to talk through their money management differences and work to resolve inner conflict.

135.00/ 60 minute session (Virtual Sessions Only)

Group Sessions

What better way to seek financial therapy than to join a group of like minded people experiencing similar stressful financial situations at an affordable rate. Groups sessions include weekly sessions over the course of 6 weeks. The topics addressed include:

-My Money Story and Basic Money Management

- Success With My Money

- Credit and Debt

- Personal Saving and Spending

-Saving and Asset Building

60.00/ 1 hour session ( Minimum of 3 Participants) (Virtual Sessions only)

Virtual “Mind Your Money” Group

Groups last for 1 hour a week for a total of 6 weeks. What better way to address your money woes than to talk with people with similar experiences at a more affordable rate.

(Open to all states)

60.00/ 1 hour ( Tuesdays 6:30 pm-7:30 pm)

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“Mind Your Money” Virtual Group

If you’re looking to begin your financial wellness journey at an affordable rate with like minded individuals, come join us.

Week 1 -My Story/Basic Money Management
Week 2 -Success with Money
Week 3 -Credit and Debit
Week 4- Personal Saving and Spending

Week 5-Saving and Asset building

Week 6- Final Group/Wrap UP

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Upcoming Dates for “MYM” Virtual Groups (Tuesdays 6:30pm - 7:30pm)


Clincal Supervision

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looking For Clinical Supervision?

Social Work graduates require 3000 hours in the states of Delaware. I am available for clinical supervision. Delaware allows for 50 percent of your Social Work supervision to be provided virtually. We can work together to come up with an individual plan that works for you. If your interested, Let’s talk. Click (or copy and paste) on the Motivohealth link below so we can connect or feel free to contact me via the contact form.


  • Individual Supervision (1 supervisee): $65/hour

  • Dyad Supervision (2 supervisees): $55/hour

  • Group Supervision (3-6 supervisees): $45/hour